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Hostname | rollei16.rolleigraphy.eu |
The rollei16.rolleigraphy.eu site is a strictly private website. The owners of the Rollei and Rolleiflex trademarks and the makers of Rollei and Rolleiflex cameras or other products are not involved in any way. This also applies to any other company, product or service mentioned on this site. | |
Pointer(s) | Pointer: rollei16.eu |
Part of | Rolleigraphy: Photography with a Rollei |
Description | Website about the Rollei 16 and 16 S subminiature cameras. |
Disclaimer | The information given on this Website is based on experience and information obtained from reliable sources. The site is intended to help you with Rolleigraphy. Neither the site owner nor the authors are in a position to fully guarantee the correctness of information presented on this website. Responsibility for any consequence of the use of this site is rejected. |
Site owner and Administrator |
Ferdi Stutterheim |
Contact | Site Administrator |
Copyright | The copyrights of all original texts and all photographs on this Website are reserved by the authors and photographers. Texts and photographs may not be used without prior permission in writing from the copyright owners. |
Some information used for this site originates from old user manuals. Copyrights were owned by a number of legal entities that made the Rollei(flex) products. The companies no longer exist. As far as we know nobody acquired the copyrights for the old stuff after the bankruptcies. Other material has been in the public domain for decades. The Site Administrator assumes he is free to use this material. If publications on this web-site infringe on anybody’s rights, the Site Administrator apologises and he will take the necessary steps to correct the infringement at first request. | |
Protocol | Forced HTTPS secure connection. When HTTPS is detected, the hostname is printed in green in the upper left hand corner of that page. In the lower left hand corner the “path” is also printed in green. Your browser will show the usual signs like a padlock. When HTTPS cannot be detected hostname and path are shown in a default colour, red or black. |
Web design | The site has a responsive web design. It adapts itself to the width of the viewport of the device in use. Users of mobile phones and tablets have to take the result as it is. Users of a computer screen however have a choice. The aim is that you see the usual cursor-style links. Viewing the site in a narrow frame may present you with the lumpy buttons destined for tablets. So by changing the width of your frame you can make a choice. |
Typefaces |
Headers: Lato Light, Semibold Text: Lato Regular, Semibold, Light Lato Fonts courtesy of tyPoland Lukasz Dziedzic |
Site Policy |
We offer a secure internet connection. There are no advertisements on this site. There are no links to social media with their hidden trackers. We do not use cookies. We do not use trackers to follow you around the www. We do not use your hard-disk for local storage. We do not use Java or Flash. We do use PHP and some JavaScripts. The scripts are loaded from designated directories on this site. We do not analyse the use of our site with Analytics or other tools except for AWStats (general site statistics) which is a standard part of our hosting service. |
Privacy | When using the mail form or our e-mail address to contact us, your e-mail address and the text that is entered in the message will be stored in the mail server(s) of my internet service provider and on the devices that I use to access the mail. I shall only use them to contact you. The etails will be deleted around 2 years after the last contact. |
Source Code | Written with TextEdit on a MacBookPro in HTML5, PHP, JavaScript and CSS3. |
Server | The Website is hosted on a server in the European Union. |