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© 2024 Ferdi Stutterheim

Rollei 16s,0018 Photo F.W. Stutterheim
Photograph of Ferdi‘s black Rollei 16 S camera.
Photo © 2022  F.W. Stutterheim [Rolleiflex 6008i, Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar 4/120 mm PQS HFT]

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  2. Rollei 16 cameras
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  1. What ’s in a name?
  2. May 2003: A visit to the Rollei factory
  3. Mai 2003: Une visite à l’usine Rollei
  4. Copyright Information

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Welcome to the Rollei 16 site at It is a private site about the Rollei 16 subminiature cameras. The site is the Rollei 16 part of Rolleigraphy: Photography with a Rollei.